Light Gods/Normal Gods vs. Dark Gods/Abnormal Gods
Light Gods are Normal Gods that work to bring about the God’s Will; facilitating creation’s ordained evolution by keeping Divine Order in creation. The Dark Gods are Abnormal Gods oppose the Comic Order i.e., “Evil” opposing Natural Moral Order in the Cosmos and on Earth. The Dark Gods and their Fallen Angels are Abnormal Spiritual Beings that adversely influence Earth and man’s evolution by opposing the Normal Gods‘ plans.
The Light Gods are benign Divine-Spiritual Beings following the dictates and mandates of the God by keeping order in Creation, the Cosmos’ evolution on track, and the Dark Gods in check.
Apart from God’s Will via the benign Divine-Spiritual Beings, there are two Active Evil Principalities at work in the cosmos, the Luciferic and the Ahrimanic.
The Luciferic Beings try to draw mankind away from the normal Earth-evolution to their own abnormal psychic-spiritual cosmos of light: the “Light of Lucifer,” the “Light” of Illumined Freemasonry…. Luciferian Black Light.
The Serpent had seduced man from his lofty state by tempting him to set an independent course than that divinely planned for him. The caveat of Creation: left alone, man would have been a beautiful, noble, spiritualised animal but under the sway of benign Divine-Spiritual Beings; traduced by Lucifer, he was blessed with self-conscious knowledge of Creation and “free will”; possessed of “egoism”: A fateful event that caused Divine Powers to enact Primal Karma to bring mankind back from the spiritual abyss and to safeguard Creation.
The Ahrimanic Beings represent the third spiritual influence working into human and earthly evolution. Ahriman, “the Unjust Prince of this World,” intention is to freeze the Earth and man’s evolution into complete rigidity, and to make man into an entirely earthly being: individualised, un-free, and cut-off from the Normal Gods‘ cosmos; creating an alternate mini-cosmos governed by the Dark Gods, and thus thwarting man’s God-ordained role in creation.
Man’s separation from his spiritual inheritance, and mankind’s permanent isolation from God. To corrupt Adamic Man‘s pristine nature such that it is no longer in God’s image, and by this separate man from the benign Divine-Spiritual Beings and having him become aligned with them.
The Ahrimanic tendency is to materialise; to crystallise; to darken; to silence; to bring living, mobile forces into fixed form: the dead, material world i.e., reaching into what should be alive and killing it …to kill that which is living .. to render all becoming … become. Ahriman promotes the illusion, the lie, that matter is the basic reality, or the only reality. The Ahrimanisation of Civilisation, Culture and Technology.
The Normal Gods (Light Gods Yahweh, Christ and many others) put Natural Moral Order into Creation and regulate it. The rebellious gods (the Abnormal Gods, the Dark Gods Lucifer, Ahriman-Satan, and Sorat) seek to subvert Moral Moral Order, corrupt Adamic Man‘s pristine nature, and thereby subvert Creation itself. Creation’s subversion began with the Rebellion in Heaven, and came to Earth in The Garden when The Serpent (Lucifer) seduced Eve into eating the “apple.”
A subversion that accelerated until the corruption of Natural Moral Order, Nature, and Adamic Man was so great that Yahweh moved to set things aright by His Great Reset, the Great Flood of 3298 BC.
Noah’s Flood had preserved Adamic Man’s pristine nature and thereby guaranteed that the perfect human vessel (Jesus the Nazarene) would be born to receive the Incarnation of Christ, and to “re-set” Creation. However, the Dark Gods‘ ambitions are unbounded and efforts ceaseless and remorseless, and they soon set about subverting the Post-diluvian World. They again sought Natural Moral Order on Earth‘s wholesale corruption to bring about Adamic Man‘s extinction that they had attempted in “Noah’s time,” which Yahweh had thwarted.
The Dark Gods seek to corrupt and extinguish all carbon-based life forms on Earth, including mankind. To terra-form Earth, to bring about stark conditions that are inimical to all biological life: to make bountiful, munificent, effulgent Earth a planetary slagheap: in esoteric terms, the complete Ahrimanisation of Earth … the Earth’s eutrophication, and the severing of man from his spiritual inheritance and ultimate salvation.
A dark, stark, life-less condition that today’s Transhumanists call the Technological Singularity, which more properly is the Post-Human World. The Ahrimanisation of man and Earth.
The Luciferic spirits had enabled man to develop free activity in consciousness, the wonderful gift of “egoism,” the Ancient Greeks allegorised as the heavenly secret of “fire” stolen by Prometheus, which he gifted to man.
In Hesiod’s Theogony, after Prometheus (the biblical “Lucifer”), a fire god and divine trickster, had stolen fire from heaven and bestowed it upon mortals, Zeus, the Cosmic ruler and king of the gods, determined to counteract this mixed blessing. Using”Pandora” as the god’s avenging agent.
Hephaestus created her from clay, shaping her perfectly, Aphrodite gifted her femininity, and Athena taught her crafts, while Zeus ordered Hermes to teach her to be deceitful, stubborn and curious. Each god gave Pandora a human trait, such that she possessed beauty, charm, a talent for music, knowledge of healing and other sciences, intelligence, courage, and an insatiable curiosity.
Pandora was made curious, but not malicious, and appearing as a charming, beautiful young girl, was sent to Earth with a sealed box, which contained another set of “gifts.” The gods told her that the box contained special gifts from them but she was never to open the box. The friendly Prometheus also warned people not to open Pandora’s Box.
Pandora vainly tried to tame her curiosity, but eventually she could not resist, and opened the box. Immediately all the woes, illnesses and hardships that the Olympic gods had hidden in the box flew out. Pandora scared, because she saw all the evil spirits escaping, snapped shut the box, but in doing so had closed “Hope” inside.
According to Hesiod, “Hope” was destined to stay inside because it was Zeus’ will; he wanted people to suffer without “Hope,” in order to understand that they should never disobey the gods.
Pandora was an automaton/robot crafted by the gifted Hephaestus as a “beautiful evil,” and created as a punishment to mankind; Zeus wanted to punish people because Prometheus stole the fire and give it to them. Pandora’s gifts were her own “beautiful evil,” and her primary purpose was to unleash the “evil spirit” in her jar, “pithos” –later rendered a “box”- into an unsuspecting world.
Pandora was the mechanical vehicle by which Zeus brought humanity all its sorrows, packed up in a box.
Sins, Vices & Guilt
The ancient Greek myths involving Prometheus’ gift of “fire,” and Pandora and her “box,” are poetic treatment of The Fall, The Temptation, and Expulsion from Paradise contained in the Book of Genesis’s first chapters. Lucifer/Prometheus‘ gift of “egoism,” of “free will,” had opened up the possibility of error, sin, vice, and evil; man had opened Pandora’s box.
Tempted by the Abnormal Gods (the Trinity of Evil: Lucifer, Ahriman, and Sorat) man directed his egoistic desires towards the sensual world, missing his spiritual goal of development, and thereby fell into Sin. The “egoism” implanted in the human soul by Lucifer (The Serpent) is all Sins’ common root.
Two basic forces of the human soul are sympathy and antipathy; the dichotomy affinity/harmony between people vs. intense dislike, and aversion. In the State of Sin the latter predominates, whereby man closes himself off from the outer world and shuts himself egoistically within himself.
In the Fall of Man, the whole of earthly nature was involved, and thereby caused Creation to condense into solid matter. Hence, the Gnostic doctrine that matter is nothing other than concentrated Sin.
Sins are momentary transgressions, while Vices are permanent, habitual bad habits. Vice in the profoundest sense is thus distinguished from Sin. Whereas Sins are momentary, individual transgressions that take effect when a person falls prey to a momentary temptation, Vices are permanent, habitual, regularly recurring sin… sinful habits.
In the Christian tradition there are Seven Deadly Vices or Capital Vices, which are often erroneously called the “Seven Deadly Sins,” they are:
- Pride (arrogance, vanity, pride, glory-seeking)
- Greed (avarice, covetousness)
- Envy (jealousy)
- Wrath (anger, retaliation, vindictiveness) (rage, retaliation, vindictiveness) Lust (unchastity)
- Gluttony (gluttony, intemperance, intemperance, selfishness)
- Sloth of the heart / mind (laziness, weariness)
Hence, Hieronymus Bosch’s “Seven Deadly Sins” are in fact Seven Deadly Vices to which man can fall prey.
The biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah is recorded in Genesis, and tells of Yahweh‘s righteous anger provoked by man’s vices and sin, but also the miraculous saving of worthy souls. Sodom and Gomorrah‘s fallen state and ultimate judgement a salient example of Divine Retribution such that they are mentioned frequently by the New Testament prophets.
“Sodom and Gomorrah” has been used historically as metaphor for both wholesale depravity and homosexuality specifically. It is the origin of the words “sodomite,” for male homosexuals, and “sodomy,” meaning “crimes against nature,” describing anal or oral sex (homosexual) and bestiality. A mortal sin Yahweh later called an “abomination” (Lev. 18:22).
Sodom and Gomorrah’s denizens given up to wholesale corruption and debauchery, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after “strange flesh” (sexual immorality and perversion) paid the ultimate price for such grievous transgressions of Natural Moral Order. Suffering the vengeance of eternal fire, the burning of the wicked by “hell fire,” a destruction total, irreparable, and everlasting; judged with the “judgement of hell.”
Homosexuality was not the only Sodom and Gomorrah sin but it was the primary reason for their total destruction by “hell fire.” The “cities of the plain” were guilty of many other Sins, or rather Vices: in fact, guilty of all of the Seven Deadly Vices or Capital Vices, but homosexuality was the principal reason Yahweh poured fiery brimstone onto them, completely destroying them, and all of their inhabitants. … except Lot and his family (Gen. 19:24-28).
Sodom and Gomorrah’s fate serves as a cautionary tale, and great moral lesson; a powerful example of how the Normal Gods regard the Abnormal Gods‘ intervention into Natural Moral Order on Earth.
When destruction of childhood innocence is involved, homosexual paedophilia, the Sin of Sodomy is greatly amplified such that:
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
“There are those that offend these little ones, by drawing them to sin [1 Cor. 8:10-11], grieving and vexing their righteous souls, discouraging them, taking occasion from their mildness to make a prey of them in their persons, families, goods, or good name. Thus the best men have often met with the worst treatment in this world.
Secondly, The punishment of this crime; intimated in that word, Better for him that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. The sin is so heinous, and the ruin proportionably so great, that he had better undergo the sorest punishments inflicted on the worst of malefactors, which can only kill the body. Note:
1. Hell is worse than the depth of the sea; for it is a bottomless pit, and it is a burning lake. The depth of the sea is only killing, but hell is tormenting. We meet with one that had comfort in the depth of the sea, it was Jonah; but never any had the least grain or glimpse of comfort in hell, nor will have to eternity.
2. The irresistible irrevocable doom of the great Judge will sink sooner and surer, and bind faster, than a mill-stone hanged about the neck. It fixes a great gulf, which can never be broken through [Luke 14:26].
Offending Christ’s little ones, though by omission, is assigned as the reason of that dreadful sentence, Go ye cursed, which will at last be the doom of proud persecutors.
Matthew Henry’s Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible, The Importance of Humility
And so, the evildoers, the children of darkness, and especially the destroyers of childhood innocence, have been warned …
The Mystery of Golgotha in Christianity
“Guilt” is consciousness of Sin, which man loads upon himself as a consequence of Sin.
Lucifer/Prometheus‘ gift of “egoism,” of “free will,” had caused the turning away from God, and precipitated Original Sin out of which all other sins arise. Sin that can be forgiven by Divine Grace if the person turns back to God through repentance.
Man, regardless of his personal guilt, is burdened with Original Sin through The Fall, and is thus already in a State of Sin from birth.
Innate Guilt that can only be redeemed by the grace of the Christ. Through His grace, Christ also takes from mankind the burden of Original Sin, which works as Original Guilt in the soul of every human being.
Original Sin is a consequence of Lucifer‘s “superhuman deed,” which cannot be redeemed by man himself, but again only by another “superhuman deed,” namely by Christ‘s atoning sacrifice on the Cross at Calvary, and connected with the Mystery of Golgotha, which the Christ offered as a voluntary gift of grace for the whole of humanity.
Only through the Atoning Act of Christ could the consequences of The Fall for man and for the whole Earth be overcome, Moreover, the Mystery of Golgotha, as a mystical fact, has happened for all men, whether they know of Christ or consciously confess Him. A universal truth described by the great Christ Sun Initiate Rudolf Steiner thus:
“A time will come when he who is a follower of the Chinese, the Buddhist, the Brahmanical religion, will find it as much against his religion to accept the Mystery of Golgotha as he finds it against his religion to accept the Copernican World System.
And it will be regarded as a kind of religious egoism if the non-Christian religions refuse to accept this fact. The fact which has just now been asserted by the Mystery of Golgotha has nothing to do with any denominational Christ, but is an objective occult fact.
Just as no one can forbid the teaching of the Copernican worldview because it is not contained in the ancient Indian religious books, so no one can forbid the teaching of the fact of the Mystery of Golgotha for the reason that it is not contained in the religious books of the ancient Indians.“
Overcoming the Consequences of The Fall
When Jesus Christ walked throughout the Classical World He perceived the Hymn of Evil‘s cantabile in all its once sacred places and groves. Antiquity had fallen under Evil’s dark spell such that its deadening effect threatened man’s spiritual evolution.
In the most profound sense, the Atoning Act of Christ and “The Gospel” was a demonic exorcism on a Cosmic scale. Christ’s Earthly Mission had exorcised the demons and initiated mankind’s release from Evil’s grip: had defeated the Trinity of Evil‘s dark machinations, had pulled mankind back from the abyss, and began mankind’s slow ascent to its salvation.
“The Gospel” and the Mystery of Golgotha left their profound edifying effects, but they still do not yet secure mankind’s future. As the Climax of History approaches, mankind’s future, its absolute salvation, will depend on people placing themselves in a completely individual conscious relationship with Christ, completely independent of any confession of faith; regardless of ones professed religion.
What Christ is able to give by grace only becomes effective in its full power when people prepare themselves to receive His great gift of grace.
Two Faces of Fate

Lucifer, stricken with pride and envy, looked upon man and envied his privileged role, and looked covetously upon God’s creation and decided he could do better. And so with wrath he warred in Heaven,.
Michael, the Archangel of the Sun, Regent of the Cosmic Intelligence, and Herald of Christ, led the Angelic Army that defeated Lucifer, the Great Rebel and cast him out of Heaven. Lucifer fell to Earth and continued his rebellion, his subversion of creation, by corrupting human consciousness. This corruption was the gift of free will, of the faculty of reason, which is the Bible‘s allegory of Adam and Eve eating the Tree of Knowledge‘s “forbidden fruit,” and expulsion from Paradise by God as punishment for this transgression.
Expulsion from Paradise was thus the fate awaiting all men; the inescapable facts of created life that confronts all mankind: pain, toil, and death. The pain inherent in every birth, the toil required in every life in the face of a hostile world, and the death awaiting all created life.
This conception of creation is not unique to Yahwehism, the Old Testament religion. It is the foundation of much older religious systems in which it was called Primal Karma. The primordial verity of Primal Karma that underlies the very meaning of personal destiny, which by necessity arises out of it.
Man is the focus of three forces acting upon his inner and outer being: Fate, Freedom and Grace.
Christian cosmology describes the origin and laws of Fate (sometimes called Providence in Scripture, but is often now usually called Karma) in the symbolism contained in Genesis, especially the myth of Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Paradise. The expulsion brought in its train a threefold punishment: three necessities to haunt mankind: pain, toil, and death.
Following our First Parents‘ transgression, Yahweh punished them and their progeny, henceforth their descendants were to suffer: pain in childbirth, toil to survive in a hostile world, and death to round off their lives.
Christian cosmology is not the source of this myth, it is found in much older religions in which it is called the “Primal Karma.” Primal Karma underpins the operation of the laws governing individual destiny. Primal Karma, or the origin of fate, can be addressed in two ways. It can be regarded as a curse to be avoided at all costs; or it can be regarded as a blessing from the hand of God.
These opposing responses are the Two Faces of Fate: the Ancient Indian and the Ancient Persian response to Primal Karma.
The Ancient Indian response was to regard it as a curse and the material world as an illusion to ensnare the soul into perpetual bondage to the senses. They attempted to flee the Wheel of Fate by rejecting worldly things and by embracing all things spiritual.
The Ancient Persians chose to regard Primal Karma as an expression of the earthly fidelity of the Sun God, Ahura Mazda. Zarathustra, or Zoroaster, was their great spiritual leader whose essential teaching was the pursuit of perfection by thought, word and deed for upon death the soul is weighed in a balance and judged according to its deeds.
Zarathustra thus put central the triad pain, toil, and death in the destiny of both the individual and humanity itself, seeing them as a protective mechanism, a bulwark against evil. To Zarathustra, these three burdens were necessary to save humanity from slipping into the bottomless pit of Evil.
Two responses to the problem of Primal Karma that have permeated through the evolution of human consciousness. Two spiritual streams that have been a perennial presence in all major religious cults and creeds.
Buddha and Fate
Buddhism is the spiritual stream that wishes to negate Primal Karma via The Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path.
Buddha developed the concept of the Four Noble Truths to counter the problem associated with ill-judged acts and ill-informed self-knowledge, errors that cause the suffering every human encounters during life; sufferings categorised into Physical, Mental and Karmic.
- Physical sufferings are those associated with the physical body, such as pain, sickness and disease
- Mental sufferings are those arising from emotions and doubts
- Karmic suffering refers to all the sufferings due to our habitual energies
The Four Noble Truths are an alternative to the egotistical way people are want to categorise experience, that is, using the first person singular and describing what they can know and describe, in dichotomous terms of “I” vs. “not I,” “me,” vs. “not me” and “being” vs. “not being.” The Four Noble Truths preclude the egotistical element and replaced it by two sets of variables: “cause and effect,” “skilful and unskillful.”
Put differently, there is the truth of suffering (“unskillful effect”), the truth of the origination of suffering (“unskilful cause”), the truth of the cessation of suffering (“skilful effect”), and the truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (“skilful cause”).
Each of these truths therefore entails a duty:
- Suffering is to be comprehended
- Origination of suffering abandoned
- Cessation of suffering realised
- Path to the cessation of suffering developed
When all of these duties have been fully performed, said Buddha, the mind gains total release.
The Four Noble Truths describe the human condition thus:
- “Dukkha” acknowledges the perennial existence of suffering in the affairs of man
- “Samudaya” describes the causes of this suffering
- “Nirodha” concerns itself with the ways suffering is eliminated in the world
- “Magga” provides guidance to overcome suffering through living by self-discipline regarding ethical conduct, mental discipline, and wisdom, which are the Noble Eightfold Path’s ideals
The First Noble Truth accepts perennial suffering in the human condition. Thus: “Birth is suffering. Death is suffering. Separation from loved ones is suffering. To be unable to attain that which you desire is suffering.”
The Second Noble Truth addresses the causes of suffering. The craving for sensory stimulation, the craving for existence, and the craving for non-existence give rise to the continuity of being together with it its attendant condition –suffering. These causes reside in the fact that human “thirst for existence” insinuates itself into the soul of man, a consequence of past deeds in former incarnations.
The dominant feature of man’s predicament is his blindness to see the karmic baggage brought over from previous incarnations, which have become integral parts of his “Self.” It is due to this lack of perception that renders man impotent in the face of Evil. That is, man would very easily shrug off all evil entrapments and enticements in his natural, pristine state of acute perception. Unfortunately, in his impoverished spiritual state he can not see Evil’s true nature, and transforms the inner tension its presence evokes as a “thirst for existence.”
Man’s thinking has evolved from this craving for life, which is the root cause of subjective thinking. This is why man finds it very difficult to perceive and think objectively. Here, Buddha says, arises the dichotomy of thought. Objective thinking is that which has nothing else in view other than the object. Subjective thinking is influenced by personal desire and is therefore highly personal, private and of little significance to others.
The accumulation of subjective thoughts and attachments over numerous incarnations create a hidden organ of inclination. A subtle organ affecting the sense organs, and is especially influential in the eye. A malign influence since it is impregnated with karma, the errors and wrong thinking from past incarnations, and so, cannot perceive the world with a pure vision. The eye would see a different reality if this hidden organ of inclination had not clouded it.
A spiritual blindness whose consequence is that everything perceived is done so with error and bias. Man commingles into all perception this error and bias, and thus the desire to see this or that, hear this or that, taste this or that, or perceive in one way or another. The element of desire that is a powerful constituent in men’s souls. insinuating itself an all aspects of being and existence and therefore is present as a pernicious influence in everything a man encounters on his present cycle of life.
If it were not for this influence a man would not arrogate those things it is not in his personal destiny to have. He would not desire for more than is granted him and no longer wish his knowledge to exceed that, which had been bestowed upon him by the Light Gods.
In short, man would perceive the world as a divine being, making no distinction between himself and the outer world, but feeling part of it. The great separation felt by man from the Alien world-out-there is because he craves for more and novel ways to satiate his desires than that the world is at present offering.
Thus arises the inner conviction that he is separate and somehow different form the world that is somehow alien to him. If he was not dissatisfied with the world he would identify with it, but this is not the case: dissatisfaction breeds separateness from the world. If the reverse were true then man would not distinguish himself from the outer alien world. Moreover, he would experience connectedness with the outer world, an intermittent experience only effecting those who set up an opposition to the world.
This is called “contact,” a feeling that can only occur in those who set themselves apart from the world, for those who do not feel separate from the world would not encounter it. This experience of “contact” gives rise to feeling, and especially, feeling to the urge to cling to the outer alien world. It is this deep primeval urge to cling to the outer world that causes the threefold curse pain, toil and death.
The Third Noble Truth deals with the process whereby suffering is extinguished in a man’s soul. By elimination of the root cause and thereby extinguishing the desire for physical existence that has arisen through ignorance. In short, an individual can end eternal suffering by ending the craving that leads to the continuation of suffering.
The Fourth Noble Truth describes the middle way or the Noble Eightfold Path, by which the craving that leads to the continuation of suffering are ended by living the Noble Eightfold Path’s ideals of It defines a regimen of self-discipline regarding ethical conduct, mental discipline and wisdom. The Eightfold Path takes the novice along a medial course and avoids two extremes: the pursuit of complete and ultimate sensory pleasure, and the pursuit of utter self-denial.
Mankind has lost the original dull clairvoyance, the instinctive knowledge of its spiritual inheritance, and the unity with Nature. A loss mankind that resulted in mankind wallowing in spiritual impoverishment, and profound ignorance of the great macrocosm of spiritual beings. An ignorance that is cause of the deep-rooted “thirst for existence,” from which arises the karmic triad of pain, toil, and death.
Zarathustra and Fate
Whilst Buddha sought to emancipate mankind from the burdens of Primal Karma by fleeing from it, the great Sun Initiate Zarathustra encouraged mankind to embrace it: to regard Primal Karma as a gift from God. He also taught that experience of the three great burdens of pain, toil, and death, could be transmuted positively whereby the individual evolved along their predestined path to perfection.
The contrasting methods by which the two cultures, the Indian and the Persian, dealt with FATE are reflected in each culture’s response to the problem of food supply. Their respective approach to agriculture was quite different. Their different responses portray the cultural dichotomy of FATE accomplishment.
The Indian regarded agrarian practice with disdain, and the tilling of soil as an unwelcome servitude demanded by a hostile world and vagaries of climate. The Persians, by contrast, regarded work on land as an outward expression of their trust in the Sun God. Zarathustra realised that:
- TOIL was the protection against irresolution and passivity
- PAIN was a necessity to the evolution of man because it made him acutely aware of the world around him and precluded him from excessive subjectivity
- DEATH was the immutable gateway to the spirit world, through which man was rescued from final severance from the spiritual worlds
Zarathustra’s profound understanding of Providence, of the Laws of Karma, came about at a time in the human evolutionary process where “the spirit” flooded into the destiny of man. At this time, toil became work in the spirit, suffering became accepted for the sake of the spirit, and death came to mean a passing through the gateway of the spirit.
Schools of Initiation
There are only two attitudes possible towards FATE: a curse that arose from blind evolution (Buddhist interpretation), or it can be regarded as a purposeful blessing from the hand of God (Zoroastrian interpretation).
The ancient path of initiation arose as a response to the latter view, that is, that humanity is protected from Evil’s onslaught by means of three primal necessities: toil, pain and death.
The first known system of initiation into the mystery of creation appeared in ancient Persia approximately when Zarathustra divined the conversion of these three primal necessities. His initiation cult was founded on the premise of conversion, that is, the primal necessities inherent in human karma’s transformation.
The Zarathustrian conversion of the karmic triad pain, toil and death brought forth the great transforming religion that underpins the Western Mystery Tradition. The crucial elements of Zarathustra’s religion were threefold:
- Spiritualisation of toil from which the spiritual exercise of meditation arose
- Voluntary acceptance of suffering from which the mystery trials were created
- Spiritualisation of death from which the initiation into the spirit worlds arose
Zarathustrian initiation is a threefold nature mirroring Primal Karma‘s three necessities.
Through meditation the organs of spiritual vision were developed whilst mystery trials of increasing sophistication were devised to help prepare the initiate for sojourning the spirit world. The ultimate trial was the so-called “three-day temple sleep,” during which the initiate’s soul was guided into the spirit world itself.
The ancient initiates who passed this final test were then the inhabitants of two worlds, the physical world and the supersensible world. These travellers between the worlds were the guides to their peoples; they were the priest-kings of antiquity of which the Pharaohs are the most fabled examples. However, such guides existed amongst all peoples in many guises.
For instance, the Hebrews Moses, Phineas and Elijah in the Hebrew Bible; the philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle in ancient Athens; and the priest-king, Numa Pompilius, and the poet Virgil in Rome. In legend, Merlin, of the Arthurian Cycle of myths, is the most famed of these guides to the higher realms.
The symbolism used in the mystery cult initiation process (the ascending degrees of initiation) can also be found, although slightly veiled, in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Holy Grail Romance. He too uses them in ascending degrees leading to attainment of the Grail.
A link has thus been established between the Fertile Crescent’s ancient mystery schools and medieval northern Europe’s romance poems. A continuous chain whereby the knowledge of celestial hierarchies arrived in Europe in the ninth century AD through the works of Dionysius the Areopagite.
These were then translated by the historical figure behind the main protagonist called “Parzival” in the Grail saga written by Wolfram von Eschenbach.
Dionysius the Areopagite was a pupil of the Great Apostle Paul who had transposed the ancient celestial hierarchies’ nomenclature into Christian names and references. Paul was the link between the Ancient Wisdom known to all genuine initiates in pre-Christian times and the Christ Sun Initiates that later appeared in ninth century Europe.
Although successful and relevant these ancient mystery schools had been in antiquity, by the time of Jesus’ birth they had fallen into complete decline and disrepute. In fact, they had been so corrupted that the gateway of spiritual initiation had been closed. They were only re-opened by the great sacrificial ritual at Golgotha. At the Passion of Christ‘s apotheosis when the secrets of initiation were revealed in the open arena of history for all those with eyes to see.
That is why it is said that at the very moment of Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross at Calvary a plangent voice was heard reverberating across the Mediterranean:
“The god Pan is dead”
Vengeful death was always the fate of the initiate who dared to reveal to the masses the secrets of initiation. In fact, this was a significant factor in the decision of the Sanhedrin to kill Christ. In his public teachings and actions Christ had revealed hitherto hidden mysteries of initiation. For instance, the raising of Lazarus from the dead:
“And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.”
John 11:43-44
The fear of retribution for publicly revealing the mysteries and the fear of profane abuse of them was the reason why prophetic wisdom was revealed in mystical symbolism that could not be deciphered by the unenlightened masses. The reason for Revelation‘s seemingly fantastical allusions, for example.
Initiation techniques were continually undergoing revision, becoming more sophisticated as they also became more perilous. This was because they were directly related to the evolutionary changes in human consciousness. The gradual transition from the group soul, the ancient blood-consciousness of the tribe, into the individual self-conscious soul.
The mystery tradition reached its consummate expression in the ancient Egyptians’ “temple sleep.” The myriad rituals of the pre-Christian era had one common theme; their raison d’être was to create suitable conditions whereby the initiate’s physical self-awareness was negated to a degree that facilitated entry into higher realms of consciousness and time. By such means the initiate would move into higher states of perception in which the fullness of the spirit world was made manifest to him.
The highly evolved “temple sleep” ritual involved the candidate being prepared ritually as if he were to be buried, by wrapping in grave clothes and burial in a tomb for a period, usually three days i.e., “three-day temple sleep.”
At the conclusion of this perilous procedure the hierophant, surrounded by his twelve disciples, would advance to the tomb and called forth the candidate. This was the ritual calling-forth of the “dead candidate,” that is, the ritual “resurrection” from death and the tomb.
The returning, newly initiated soul had experienced a form of mystical death but was “re-born” and awakened to the memory experience of his sojourn in the higher realms. The initiate had witnessed the ultimate realities beyond the veil of sense, and of the verity of his eternal self, the spirit-essence that is eternal. The initiate felt he had been born anew. That is why the initiates of antiquity were often called the “twice born.”
An initiation ritual practised for thousands of years before Jesus, but at the time of his birth, human consciousness had evolved to a degree that rendered such trials dangerous. Such methods of initiation could no longer be carried out with any measure of safety. The watershed of human consciousness depicted in the episode of Lazarus rising from the dead, or rather his not rising from the dead.
The event illustrated the ancient method of initiation’s failure.
Lazarus had been prepared for his initiation according to the mysteries of antiquity and had been wrapped in grave clothes and placed in a tomb. The hierophant conducting the ritual had failed to awaken Lazarus and he died. That is why Martha implored Christ to intervene. Instead of Lazarus being resurrected by the ancient method, he was called back to life by the Power of Infinite Love.
An act of resurrection that was the spiritual awakening of mankind’s turning point in. Christ, together with his twelve disciples, had intervened in the faltering initiation process, and when He stood at the tomb of Lazarus He was not only the personal saviour of Lazarus, but also the universal saviour of mankind.
Christ revealed that he was the earthly representative of the eternal self that sought in vain to come to birth in the soul of each and every person. That He was the Representative of Man.
In esoteric terms, the voice that called Lazarus back from the grave was the voice of his own “higher ego.” The very power that re-animated him from death was the same power that emanated from his own individual spirit.
Whilst Lazarus personified this new reality, he was also the apogee of the tradition dating back to the time of Zarathustra in ancient Persia that had now been further refined. Lazarus had been born anew in the intuitive knowledge that, in Christ, the human soul could become the living vessel of the spirit.
This new possibility of spiritual evolution is the crux of the Christian mission. It is also behind the symbolism of the uncorrupted Western Mystery Schools, as it is also the symbolism behind the Holy Grail Romances‘ famed chalice, that is, the Cup of Destiny.
The Passion of Christ and his death on the cross together with the resurrection of the revenant from the tomb was the public consummation of the entire tradition of initiation carried out in the visible arena of world history. The ancient secret initiation ritual was transferred to the historical process’ visible realm.
The fateful event at Golgotha, the Atoning Act of Christ, saved mankind from the abyss. Before this event the souls of men were increasingly prey to the Two Powers of Evil, Lucifer and Ahriman. Their defeat at the Crucifixion rescued mankind from the abyss awaiting it and hallowed it into a daily path back towards a new consciousness of, and participation in, the spiritual world.
A new inward development that fused the two hitherto separate streams into a potent method of initiation that later become known as “the quest of the Grail”: whose great hero was “Parzival.”
Manichaean Origin of Grail Initiation
Ancient Star Wisdom is the common theme linking the cosmic Christianity of the Grail Mysteries and the Revelation of St John. Both acknowledge that the spiritual hierarchies are related to the stars, the sun and the planets. Whereas Revelation‘s symbolism describes events yet to come, the Grail Mysteries‘ celestial imagery is the consummation of the pre-Christian mythologies’ star imagery; the star imagery in ancient systems of worship.
The mystic poet Wolfram von Eschenbach tells us in his Grail romance that the tradition concerning the Grail’s celestial origin was brought from the east by an “angelic host.” In fact, the Grail Mysteries‘ migration from east to west links the ancient star wisdom of Asia with the advent of Christianity and its eventual spread throughout Europe.
The Christianity of the Manichee –Manichaeanism– was the channel of this transmission of ancient star lore to the churches of the West, and not the pagan religions. Manichaeanism was a very special heresy introduced into third century Persia by Mani.
The Roman Catholic Church vehemently disavowed it and sought to eradicate it from history. Manichaeism later appeared in Europe as the Albigensian and Cathar heresies.
The Manichees regarded Christ as the personification of the Sun God incarnate on Earth. They believed that the whole of the pre-Christian religions were simply a record of this God’s gradual descent towards Incarnation on Earth.That the ancient prophecies relating to mankind’s redemption were fulfilled at Golgotha when the blood of Christ was spilled onto the Earth, thereby causing the Spirit of the Sun to pass over into the Earth itself.
Such that Sun God Christ had also become the Earth Spirit. The heavenly Logos not only was made flesh, but the God-man was also ceded into the whole Earth organism to become the Spirit of the Planet.
Christ did not return to the Father but remained as the redeeming Spirit of Creation. The orthodox notion of a “Second Coming” is thus incorrect. Christ has been here since the Crucifixion, and thus will conduct the Battle of the Apocalypse in spirit and not in human form. That role, leading God’s Angelic Army on Earth is the sacred duty of another great spirit who will incarnate in flesh and blood. A spirit that the Grail Mysteries call “Parzival.”
The spiritual founder of Ancient Persia, the great mage Zarathustra, had prophesied the Sun God‘s descent. He taught that behind the apparent darkness of the sky shines the eternal spiritual sun, which only becomes visible at one spot, where the Sun’s disc appears.
The Sun is both the door and the guardian of that door, for all earthly gazes perish under its withering glare. The reality of this is seen in Sun God Christ‘s words:
“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.”
John 10:9

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